[ This is a transcription of footage found on the CCTV cameras outside the Bad Wolf Industries building. ]
1:48AM - chaz is seen walking out of the back door into the darkly lit night. He sits down next to the door and starts to stare at the sky. Although the camera feed is dark, his face is showing emotions of worry and regret.
1:49AM - chaz takes out an electronic vaping device and is seen smoking it. He pulls out his phone and puts on music quietly.
1:51AM - Taz exits the building through the same door and finds chaz sitting on the ground.
Taz: You alright?
chaz is silent, staring forward, taking another drag of his vape. Taz sits down next to chaz.
Taz: What’s wrong?
chaz: i’m scared. i put all this work in this year to build this place. i went into debt putting all my effort into making a place where i can let my creativity roam free, yet i won’t be able to make use of it for a while.
Taz: Ah, yeah. This place was a wreck when you found it, it’s definitely not cheap now that it's renovated.
chaz: not just that. i need a main money maker to fund this place. next year i’m getting a job and going to school to help pay for everything.
Taz: That’s great! I’m glad you’ll finally use your skills for the better.
chaz: yeah. i’m just worried i’ll be so busy i won't have time to work on anything in my spare time. it’s just… daunting.
Taz: I get it. I’m sure you can push forward though.
chaz: but what if i can’t? i hate to be this honest, but being able to focus on improving my chances in life has not really worked out for me yet for various reasons, and now i’m taking yet ANOTHER crack at it, when i still don’t feel ready to grow.
Taz: …
chaz: i’m scared i won’t be able to push through and finish this. it contains a lot of information i’m interested in, yes, but i don’t know if that will motivate me to succeed.
Taz: I understand. I just really feel like once you actually get to it, you’ll love it.
chaz: me too. i don’t know. i just feel so many emotions over this right now. ever since 2020 i feel like i completely lost my motivation to learn at school, my last two years of high school were hell. i barely even passed physics purely because i got a 35 on the ACT. i had F’s in multiple classes and had to push myself to be able to graduate at the end of the year. i was super antisocial, mostly talking to people online instead of my real life. it was very unhealthy and i’ve basically stayed in a similar mindset since. i feel like i haven’t grown as a person since i graduated. i’ve just. stagnated. purely getting small amounts of motivation to do something creatively that i-
1:54AM - chaz is seen starting to cry. Taz hugs and comforts him.
chaz: *sniff* i’m sorry, i-
Taz: It’s okay chaz. Just calm down. I can hold the line here and focus on keeping everything in check while you better yourself.
chaz: that m-means a lot.
Taz: I’m here to support you the whole way through. All of your friends and family are. I’m sure they’re glad with where you’ve gone, but you pushing even further is amazing. Just because you’re gonna be busy doesn’t mean you have to quit, it just means you have less time.
chaz: yeah… *cough*
Taz: Here, I have an idea. Something to clear your mind. Do you wanna go somewhere?
chaz: sure, though nothing is open post christmas.
Taz: I have a better idea.
1:57AM: Taz pulls out his phone and calls someone.
Taz: Hey Dad. Yeah, I’m having a great time up here. I wanted to ask a favor. Can you make a door? Thanks, I’ll see you soon. Bye. *hangs up*
1:58PM: chaz has a puzzled look on his face watching Taz make the call.
chaz: what was that about? a door?
Taz: Just wait.
1:58AM: Next to the pair, a fire combusts in the air, creating a portal gate to the underworld. chaz’s face looks frightened and amazed.
Taz: Ready?
chaz: …yea. that was really cool.
1:59AM: The pair stand up and head through the portal, it closing behind them. SIlence fills the air again.
[ End of transcription ]